Understanding Dependent Origination Part 1: Working with the chain of causation

  • 02 Oct 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM
  • Zoom
  • 6


About The Class

"Whoever sees dependent origination sees the Dharma; whoever sees the Dharma sees dependent origination." -- The Buddha, in MN. 28 and DN. 15 

Zoom link: Click here to join. Alternatively go to https://zoom.us/, click the links to enter a meeting, and enter meeting ID 971-373-141 and password 879550.

Time: The session will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 11:45 a.m. We will have a 20-minute meditation session in the middle to practice observing the arising and passing away of the conditions that cause suffering or stress.

On the eve of his Enlightenment, the Buddha reflected deeply on the causes of suffering and traced each cause, step by step, back to its originating condition. He referred to this process as the "chain of causation," or, in other words, "Dependent Origination": the dependent arising of conditions that cause suffering.

In Buddhist practice, we learn that everything is impermanent, and so just as the Buddha describes the conditions that give rise to suffering, he also describes the way to the cessation of suffering.

In this study session, we'll use sutta excerpts along with teacher commentary to gain an understanding of each link in the chain. The morning will feature discussion and Q&A time as well as a 20-minute meditation session to practice the arising and passing away of the conditions that cause suffering or stress.

The Chain of Dependent Origination

When: Saturday, October 2th from 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Where: Via Zoom

About the Study Session Leader

Elizabeth A. Gibson has been a Buddhist practitioner since 2007, primarily in the Insight/Vipassana tradition. She is a technical writer and poet and has lived in Atlanta since 2009.

Questions? Please email Elizabeth Gibson.

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