An Introduction to Insight Dialogue, led by Katie Rhodes and Marsha Lawson

  • 18 Jan 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Zoom Only
  • 7


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Day-Long Retreat with Insight Dialogue Teacher Marsha Lawson and Katie Rhodes

January 18, 2025, from 9:00AM to 4:30PM

Hello, dear Red Clay Sangha. My name is Marsha Lawson, and I am a teacher recognized by the Insight Dialogue Community (IDC). I have been studying and practicing Buddhism in the Vipassana/Theravada and Insight Dialogue (ID) traditions since 2009. 

Insight Dialogue is a relational meditation practice that uses natural human connectedness to practice mindfulness meditation with others. I find ID particularly useful for investigating habitual responses in our actions of thought, word and deed. When I first began to explore ID, I was intrigued to discover that much of my suffering seemed to arise in relationships with others. You may notice, for example, how speech is habitual–a tumbling. How and when is there mindfulness while speaking? What else do we do, or think, or even feel when encountering others that is more habit than intention?

Your sangha member, Katie Rhodes, has invited me to share an introduction to Insight Dialogue as a day-long online retreat with Red Clay Sangha and friends. This retreat is offered as a way for you all to connect with each other using Insight Dialogue meditation guidelines: Pause, Relax, Open, Attune to Emergence, Speak the Truth and Listen Deeply. We will share individual silent sitting and walking practice, as well as ID relational practice in dyads and triads, speaking and listening to self and others.

From Katie -- I’m excited to have Marsha introduce Insight Dialogue practice to Red Clay Sangha! I have found that the Insight Dialogue practice complements individual silent sitting by weaving in the benefits of learning and caring with other people. I’ve noticed a shared intention to explore whatever arises in the moment, just as it is. The guidelines encourage a calm awareness from which to practice speaking and listening. I’ve noticed that the energy, mindfulness, and concentration experienced in ID sessions carries over into individual mediation and conversation with others. ID practice reminds me to pause and attune more fully in all aspects of daily life. I hope you will join us for this rich day of practice.

You can learn more about Insight Dialogue from the ID Community website

Katie Rhodes is a member of Red Clay Sangha. She has been a Buddhist practitioner for over 30 years, primarily in the Insight/Vipassana tradition. She uses mindfulness-based cognitive approaches in her work as a psychotherapist. She has a doctorate in clinical social work.

Questions? Please email Katie Rhodes

What to expect 

This will be a full day of sitting and walking meditation practice, with time for group discussions. All are welcome, no previous experience with meditation required.

Please plan to stay for the full retreat.


Dana is the Pali word for "generosity," which is one of the Bhrama Viharas or Four Heavenly Abodes. Though there is no registration fee for this event, teacher dana is welcome and encouraged. A link on where to do so will be provided closer to the event.

This retreat will be on Zoom

To attend the session online: Click here to join. Alternatively go to, click the links to enter a meeting, and enter meeting ID 971-373-141 and password 879550.


A more detailed schedule will be provided by the end of December but the hours will probably be from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with an hour break for lunch.

A commitment to attend for the entire day is required and appreciated.

Questions or More Information? 

Questions? Please email Katie Rhodes

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