Topic TBD
One-Day Retreat with SoKai (Charli Vogt)
Saturday, May 17, from 9:00 to 5:00
Charli Vogt (SoKai)
Charli Vogt has been a spiritual seeker as long as she can remember, through Lutheran Catechism, Pagan studies, Feminist spirituality and Buddhism. She has been studying Buddhism intensely since 2007, when she received the precepts from Thich Nhat Hanh and has studied with multiple Vipassana and Thai Forest teachers. She is currently studying with Sensei Shun’E Ulrike Greenway in the Zen tradition and received the precepts with the Jukai ceremony February 7, 2024.
Kanshin Erica Grevemeyer
Rev. Kanshin Erica Grevemeyer (she) is a white, cis-gender female novice Zen priest, ordained by Rev. angel Kyodo williams, Roshi in 2013. She has trained as a Buddhist chaplain at Upaya Zen Center with Roshi Joan Halifax. She has been the practice leader and Zen Change Coach in the online program 27days of Change and was a long time practice leader of the newDharma Community in Berkeley, CA. She currently co-holds the Zen practice group at San Quentin State Prison and has been teaching yoga to seniors for nearly a decade. Kanshin’s practice has always been about coming back to being human. She has her feet on the ground, is practical & pragmatic, and is more interested in meeting you where you are than in getting you to contort yourself into something you are not. She is committed to and consistently enriched by her students and others in her practice communities. Out of a deep commitment to equity and inclusion, she works with students of all ages, shapes and abilities including seniors, women in recovery, and incarcerated men.
What to expect
Learn to use breath & brush to increase your concentration and mindfulness.
There will be periods of silent meditation interspersed with beginning instructions working with your brush and your breath. You do NOT need experience at all, even holding a brush. Wear clothes that would be OK if they happen to have black ink splashed on them. Some work will take place on the table and some on the floor. If you want a pad for your knees on the floor, bring a pad or blanket for yourself.
3315 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Chamblee, GA 30341
Schedule: 9-5 PM Plan about an hour for lunch at approximately 12 noon. There will be intermittent sitting, calligraphy and movement.
Questions or More Information?
Please contact Charli Vogt