RCS Insight Dialogue Practice Group, led by Katie Rhodes
Second Saturday of the Month
9:00-10:30 a.m. on Zoom
Insight Dialogue is an interpersonal meditation practice that uses natural human connectedness and the wisdom teachings of the Buddha to practice mindfulness meditation with others. It is particularly useful for investigating habitual responses in our actions of thought, word and deed. This is a monthly opportunity to practice with friends from Red Clay Sangha. It is offered as a way for us to connect with each other using the ID meditation guidelines: Pause, Relax, Open, Attune to Emergence, Speak the Truth and Listen Deeply. We will be learning and sharing as we practice together. At our first meeting we will be working with the Insight Dialogue guideline Pause. You can learn more about Insight Dialogue from the ID Community website https://insightdialogue.org/
Katie Rhodes is a member of Red Clay Sangha. She has been a Buddhist practitioner for over 30 years, primarily in the Insight/Vipassana tradition. She has been practicing Insight Dialogue meditation since 2023 and is a member of the Northeast Insight Dialogue Teachers Cohort.
She uses mindfulness-based cognitive approaches in her work as a psychotherapist. She has a doctorate in clinical social work.
Questions? Please email Katie Rhodes
What to expect
All are welcome, no previous experience with meditation or Insight Dialogue experience is required.
The morning will include individual silent sitting as well as ID relational practice in group practice and in dyads and triads in breakout rooms: speaking and listening to self and others.
This practice group will meet on Zoom.
To attend the session online: Click here to join. Alternatively go to https://zoom.us/, click the links to enter a meeting, and enter meeting ID 971-373-141 and password 879550.
Questions or to Sign up to Receive Emails about RCS Insight Dialogue Practice Group
Please email Katie Rhodes